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Kubernetes Architecture
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쿠버네티스 아키텍처 이해하기 https://namkyu1999.github.io/posts/paper/230312_understanding_the_architecture_of_kubernetes/?fbclid=IwAR3k5pJqcPmj-hJzJPjdlshGEa3LSC9Ev2AvP8RsKWGu5K917qdiSdFyotc 쿠버네티스 아키텍처 이해하기 Understanding the Architecture of Kubernetes: A Beginner’s Guide 번역 namkyu1999.github.io
Git fundamentals, a complete guide https://dev.to/leandronsp/git-fundamentals-a-complete-guide-do7 Git fundamentals, a complete guide If you already work with Git daily but want to have a good comprehension of Git fundamentals, then... dev.to
Docker - 도커로 Mariadb 컨테이너 간편하게 설치하기 https://7942yongdae.tistory.com/130 Docker - 도커로 Mariadb 컨테이너 간편하게 설치하기 도커(Docker)를 이용하면 손쉽고 빠르게 Mariadb를 설치해서 사용할 수 있습니다. Mariadb 뿐만 아니라 가상화되어 있는 수많은 이미지들을 컨테이너로 만들어 사용할 수 있습니다. 처음 도커를 사용 7942yongdae.tistory.com 개발환경 세팅을 위해 필요해서 가상 서버에 설치하려고 함.
DevOps Tutorial For Beginners | What Is DevOps | DevOps Tools | DevOps Training | Edureka DevOps https://youtu.be/GJQ36pIYbic?list=PL9ooVrP1hQOE5ZDJJsnEXZ2upwK7aTYiX
Jenkins Practical Beginners Course for DevOps | CI/CD Pipeline With Jenkins | Learn DevOps Tools Ep1 https://youtu.be/wHtIWvb5nzo?list=PL7kXAf0BmEqsbr1vIMYA7Iyw3TdDBsD09
[Kubernetes]What is k8s (Kubernetes)?
[Kubernetes]How To Develop Kubernetes CLIs Like a ProBuild You Own kubectl The Simple Way https://iximiuz.com/en/posts/kubernetes-api-go-cli/ How To Develop Kubernetes CLIs Like a Pro Learn how to use the k8s.io/cli-runtime library to develop Kubernetes CLI tools that behave like and are as potent as the mighty kubectl. iximiuz.com
