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[Elon Musk]Good assessment of our goal
[Architecture]Lambda vs Kappa Architecture https://swirlai.substack.com/p/sai-13-lambda-vs-kappa-architecture SAI #13: Lambda vs. Kappa Architecture. Lambda vs. Kappa Architecture, MLOps Maturity Model: Level 1. swirlai.substack.com
[English Quiz]Select the correct answer
[English Grammar Quiz]
[English] A, B or C?
[영어회화] 그 축제에 사람 진짜 많았어요. 그 축제에 사람 진짜 많았어요. There were a lot of people at the festival. person의 복수형은 people.
[Cloud]What is cloud native? below is a diagram showing the evolution of architecture and processes since the 1980s. Organizations can build and run scalable applications on public, private, and hybrid clouds using cloud native technologies. This means the applications are designed to leverage cloud features, so they are resilient to load and easy to scale. Cloud native includes 4 aspects: Development process This has progr..
[Google Authenticator] How does Google Authenticator Work?
[ChatGPT]Build a Serverless ChatGPT SMS Chatbot with the OpenAI API https://www.twilio.com/blog/sms-chatbot-openai-api-node?fbclid=IwAR27zZ2AA6kDv6BRQvE_8F0wxg5Ea9qPFVotvdbbuyiU9Ek05auhnOIBnsU Build a Serverless ChatGPT SMS Chatbot with the OpenAI API and Node.js Who needs a web browser? Learn to build a serverless ChatGPT SMS Chatbot using the OpenAI API and Node.js www.twilio.com
[MySQL] 커넥션(connection)은 어떻게 관리되나 https://blog.naver.com/pjt3591oo/222984240944 [mysql] 커넥션(connection)은 어떻게 관리되나 안녕하세요 멍개입니다. 이번 시간에는 노드에서 mysql(mariadb)를 사용하기 위해 많이 사용하는 mysql2 드... blog.naver.com
